红斯凯尔顿 Performing Arts Center

红斯凯尔顿 Performing Arts Center

欢迎来到瑞德·斯凯尔顿表演艺术中心的官方网站,该中心位于瑞德的家乡文森斯大学的校园里, 文森地区, 印第安纳州. As you explore this site, 你会读到关于瑞德的传奇故事,他是一个艺人和多才多艺的艺术家, his humanitarianism, 和 his boyhood.

您还将了解表演艺术中心本身的欧洲歌剧风格的座位, coming events, 以及它在社区中作为学生学习中心的作用. 和, if you'd like to be part of the legacy, 澳门足球博彩官方网址将告诉你如何成为瑞德·斯克尔顿博物馆基金会的一员.


Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
星期五: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
周六: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
周日: 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Map Location

Call us at 812-888-4039 or email DeEtta Welte - dwelte@china-hardware-net.com

红斯凯尔顿 Performing Arts Center
文森地区 University
1002 North First St.
文森地区, IN 47591 



红斯凯尔顿 Performing Art Center Events

红斯凯尔顿 Performing Arts Center Events

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About 红斯凯尔顿

瑞德·斯克尔顿的才华和异想天开的天赋穿越了舞台、银幕、广播和电视. 现在添加有成就的画家、作家和作曲家的头衔. 要说明雷德对艺术界的每一项贡献是一项不可能完成的任务. 澳门足球博彩官方网址希望这一页能让你对瑞德·斯凯尔顿的天才和“多面手”有一个小小的了解.

印第安纳州 records show that just one person, Richard Bernard Skelton, was born July 18, 1913, inside the house at 111 West Lyndale Avenue in 文森地区, 印第安纳州. 然而, most fans of the award-winning comedian, 演员, pantomimist, 作曲家, 画家, writer 和 humanitarian beg to differ.

许多人相信还有几个人在同一天出生在那所简陋的房子里, 和 all earned fame like Skelton. There was country bumpkin Clem Kadiddlehopper, Junior the Mean Widdle Kid, lovable hobo Freddie the Freeloader, 和 many more.

Red Enters the Spotlight

瑞德·斯凯尔顿在文森斯万神殿剧院的一次偶然相遇后进入了聚光灯下, 印第安纳州. As the story goes...

At the age of nine, 瑞德在文森斯第五大街和主街的拐角处卖报纸, 印第安纳州. 一个男人走近瑞德,问道:“在这个镇上,人们都做些什么来寻找刺激??瑞德和蔼地回答说:“今晚在纽约城里有一场大型路演,有一个喜剧演员——埃德·韦恩。.他指着街对面招牌上永利的名字. "That's what I'm going to do when I get older. I'm going to make people laugh," he added. 那个人问瑞德当晚是否会去看演出,瑞德诚实地回答了, "No, I don't have that kind of money.这个人提出要和经理谈谈,让小男孩进去看演出, 但瑞德坚持要他把最后三份报纸卖掉. 然后,这个人拿出一美元来支付其余报纸的费用, 哪一个, 当时, sold for three cents each.

Red ran home to tell his mother 和 gave her the dollar. 她给了儿子一毛钱,让他买爆米花和打车回家. 当瑞德回到万神殿时,他的新朋友在阳台上给他安排了一个座位. 演出开始了,艾德·韦恩从幕布后面走了出来. "That's my friend down there, he got me my seat!" exclaimed Red. At intermission, Red ran backstage. 韦恩问男孩是否见过观众,当然,他的回答是没有. 喜剧演员把红头发的小男孩举到幕布后面,这样他就能看到观众回到座位上.


During his 84 years, 斯克尔顿出演了大多数娱乐类型——从巡回医疗节目, 爱卖弄的, the circus 和 Vaudeville to radio, 电视, 和 motion pictures during his 84 years. He appeared in 36 feature films, had a successful network radio program for 15 years, 和 starred in the 红斯凯尔顿 Show, 该节目已经播出了20年,是网络电视史上播出时间第二长的娱乐节目.

Red performed for eight U.S. presidents 和 three Roman Catholic Popes, composed more than 8,000首歌曲, 64 symphonies, wrote books, 他的油画和素描仍然是艺术收藏家的瑰宝.

His other achievements include Emmy awards for performing, writing 和 his TV show, 两颗在好莱坞星光大道上的广播和电视明星, 和 elections to the halls of fame for 电视, radio 和 clowns.

By all measures, 红斯凯尔顿 is an American legend.


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Red's Paintings

美国最受欢迎的小丑用画笔创造了更多的小丑角色. 他的小丑系列绘画和素描至今仍是艺术收藏家的珍品. 它们也被复制为主流,甚至以超大的着色书的形式呈现给儿童. 
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瑞德·斯克尔顿创作了8000首歌曲和64首交响曲. 他指挥和创作了许多专辑,并让他的选曲由亚瑟·费德勒等人演出, the London Philharmonic 和 Van Clyburn. 瑞德还记录了一些他最喜欢的故事和诗歌,比如 The Circus, Frogs, The Littlest Christmas Tree 和, of course, The Pledge of 忠诚.
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Could you write one original short story a day? It is said that is exactly what 红斯凯尔顿 did. 最终的结果是大约4000个短篇故事和长篇书籍. His titles include 《澳门足球博彩官方网址》、《澳门足球博彩官方网址》、《澳门足球博彩官方网址》、《澳门足球博彩官方网址》、 和 小丑的小巷 和 Frog Follys coloring books.

Red's Pledge of 忠诚

Red's Pledge of 忠诚

我有一个老师,他是印第安纳州文森斯哈里森学校的校长. 对我来说,他是最伟大的老师,是我那个时代真正的圣人. He had such wisdom. 有一天澳门足球博彩官方网址正在背诵效忠誓言,他走了过来. This little old teacher - Mr. Lasswell was his name. 他说:

“整个学期我都在听你们同学们背诵效忠誓言,对你们来说似乎越来越单调了. 如果可以的话,我可以背诵它,并试着向你解释每个单词的意思吗?"

I - me, an individual, a committee of one.

Pledge - dedicate all my worldly goods to give without self-pity.

忠诚 - my love 和 my devotion.

致国旗 - our st和ard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, 有尊重,因为你的忠诚给了她尊严,让她高呼自由是每个人的工作.

Of the United - that means that we have all come together.

 -各个社区联合成48个大州. 48个拥有骄傲、尊严和目标的独立社区, all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common cause, 和 that's love of country.


和 to the Republic ——共和国——主权权力交给由人民选出的代表管理的国家. 政府是人民的政府是从人民到领导人的, not from the leaders to the people.

For Which it St和s!

一个国家 - meaning, so blessed by God.

不可分割的 - incapable of being divided.

With Liberty ——这是一种自由和权力,可以在没有威胁、恐惧或任何形式的报复的情况下生活.

和 Justice - the principle 和 quality of dealing fairly with others.

对所有. ——这意味着,孩子们,这既是我的国家,也是你们的国家.


“我宣誓效忠美利坚合众国国旗, 和 to the republic for 哪一个 it st和s, 一个国家, 不可分割的, with liberty 和 justice for all."

Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country, 在效忠誓词上加了两个字——“在上帝之下”." Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said, "That is a prayer," 和 that would be eliminated from our schools too?

- 红斯凯尔顿

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