Godare莫里斯和维戈霍尔斯 |
Semester |
Year |
A-10膳食计划 |
每周19餐中的任意10餐 |
$5,615.00 |
$11,230.00 |
B-14膳食计划 |
每周19餐中的任意14餐 |
$5,701.00 |
$11,402.00 |
C-19膳食计划 |
每天三餐,周一至周五,周末有早午餐和晚餐 |
$5,784.00 |
$11,568.00 |
D-10套餐外加250美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何10顿饭加上250美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$5,865.00 |
$11,730.00 |
E-14膳食计划外加150美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何14顿饭加上150美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$5,851.00 |
$11,702.00 |
F-19膳食计划外加100美元弹性美元 |
每天3餐,周一至周五,包括早午餐 & 周末晚餐加$100 Flex $(每学期) |
$5,884.00 |
$11,768.00 |
克拉克- 2间卧室/4名学生/2间浴室 |
Semester |
Year |
A-10膳食计划: |
每周19餐中的任意10餐 |
$6,209.00 |
$12,418.00 |
B-14膳食计划: |
每周19餐中的任意14餐 |
$6,295.00 |
$12,590.00 |
C-19膳食计划 |
每天三餐,周一至周五,周末有早午餐和晚餐 |
$6,378.00 |
$12,756.00 |
D-10套餐外加250美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何10顿饭加上250美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$6,459.00 |
$12,918.00 |
E-14膳食计划外加150美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何14顿饭加上150美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$6,445.00 |
$12,890.00 |
F-19膳食计划外加100美元弹性美元 |
每天3餐,周一至周五,包括早午餐 & 周末晚餐加$100 Flex $(每学期) |
$6,478.00 |
$12,956.00 |
艾伯纳技术学习社区 |
Semester |
Year |
A-10膳食计划 |
每周19餐中的任意10餐 |
$5,931.00 |
$11,862.00 |
B-14膳食计划 |
每周19餐中的任意14餐 |
$6,017.00 |
$12,034.00 |
C-19膳食计划 |
每天三餐,周一至周五,周末有早午餐和晚餐 |
$6,100.00 |
$12,200.00 |
D-10套餐外加250美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何10顿饭加上250美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$6,181.00 |
$12,362.00 |
E-14膳食计划外加150美元弹性美元 |
每周19顿饭中的任何14顿饭加上150美元的弹性美元(每学期) |
$6,167.00 |
$12,334.00 |
F-19膳食计划外加100美元弹性美元 |
每天3餐,周一至周五,包括早午餐 & 周末晚餐加$100 Flex $(每学期) |
$6,200.00 |
$12,400.00 |
Meal Plans -上课第一周可以更改膳食计划A和B. 在第一周的课程后,饮食计划不能减少.
膳食计划A & B 可以随时增加吗.
有弹性的膳食计划(D, E和F) 第一周上课后不能改变计划.
私人房间 -请加1342美元.00 /学期. A $400 prepayment must be made to be placed on list for possible private room assignment. 预付款不能保证私人房间分配.
押金 所有宿舍和第三街公寓150美元. 法国区的损坏押金是475美元
大学拥有的第三街公寓: $3,500.每学期$7,000.00 /年
大学法国区公寓: $4,750.每学期$9,500.00 /年
Yes. 但是,请求必须是相互的. 双方必须互相请求. While filling out your contract on line you will find an area where you can type your requested roommates name and identification number. The identification number is the A number the University assigned the student upon admissions. 还包括学生的出生日期(年月日). 不能保证室友的要求.
Yes. 所有住在宿舍的学生都必须参加膳食计划.
Yes. 所有一年级学生必须住在校园里,除非他们年满21岁, married, 退伍军人, 或者从父母家通勤.
Yes. Please check out our 住房和居住生活 handbook for this information.
Yes. 每学期将收取额外费用. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅成本. Private rooms are assigned based upon date of payment of deposit/prepayment and availability. Rates are subject to change based on Room and Board rates set by Board of Trustees.
床垫是36 × 80或超长的双人床. For several years Residence Hall Linens has provided our students and families with a convenient, affordable option to ensure you have sheets that will fit all of the beds on campus. 请访问 http://vinu.dormroom.com/ 了解更多关于这个机会的信息.
澳门足球博彩官方网址布置床铺, 梳妆台上, desk, desk chair, trash can, 窗帘或百叶窗, 抽屉的空间, 壁橱空间, 电缆出口, 和互联网.
Yes. 似曾相识的合作伙伴与宿舍亚麻布. 访问他们的网站 或拨打800.957.4338.
Yes. 如果你是购买能力不得超过4.4立方英尺.
大学可能是你人生中令人兴奋的一段时光. You are making new friends, learning new concepts and discovering a lot about yourself. However, it is very important to stay safe and understand that there can be some dangers on campus. Here are some tips for how you can protect yourself on campus and make sure you have a safe, 愉快的经历:
确保你宿舍房间的门一直锁着. 不管你是不是去上课,锁门是很重要的, 去度周末或者只是走到大厅去洗手间.
Be careful about posting personal information on social network websites (such as Facebook). 大多数大学生都参与某种类型的社交网络, 但是三思而后行是很重要的. 隐私信息要保密,分享的照片要小心. 如果有陌生人在网上联系你,要用常识,相信自己的直觉. 如果你在网上互动时感到威胁或不舒服, 报告该行为并停止对话.
把紧急情况的电话号码放在手机里. 知道校园警察的电话号码, your Resident Assistant (RA) and other friends who you can trust if you find yourself in a bad situation. You should also be aware of the locations of the emergency phones throughout campus.
天黑后至少和一个人一起走回家. 在人群中行走会让你不那么容易成为攻击者的目标. Try to walk in groups when going to classes, the dining hall or other places on campus. 晚上出门前制定一个计划,这样就不会有人独自出门了, 即使只有几英尺.
每个学生房间还配有互联网接入. Students must provide an ethernet cord to hook their computer up to the internet in their student room.
Yes -- you will need to get a parking sticker from Campus Police (5555) in order to park in the University's lots. 联系他们获取信息.
If there is a roommate conflict please contact your residence hall coordinator so that they can assist you in resolving the problem. 在某些情况下,可能需要换房间.
Vigo 18' x 12'
Godare 18' x 11'9"
范德堡14' x 10' 6 '
莫里斯16' x 11'
克拉克16'3 X 11'7
取消的完整解释, Termination and Withdrawal is listed in the Terms and Condition of Residency. 8月1日前取消的合同将退还150美元.损坏保证金. Contracts cancelled between August 2nd and August 14th will be charged a $150 cancellation fee. 8月15日或之后取消的合同将被评估750美元.00取消费用.
First year students under the age of twenty-one are required to live in University residence halls when space is available. Exceptions include military veterans and students who live off-campus with a parent or legal guardian.
住房和居住生活问题可发送至 housing@china-hardware-net.com or 812-888-4225.
- 澳门足球博彩官方网址住房 & 住宿生活学生入住时间表(目前不可用)
- 2024 - 2025年宿舍手册(查看在线 & Print)
- 宿舍条款及细则(查看在线 & Print)
- 占用表(查看在线 & Print)
- 2024 - 2025大学自有公寓手册(查看在线 & Print)
- 房屋清洁费及损坏费(查看在线 & Print)
室友的要求必须是相互的. 双方必须互相请求. While filling out your contract on line you will find an area where you can type your requested roommates name and identification number. The identification number is the A number the University assigned the student upon admissions. 还包括学生的出生日期(年月日). 不能保证室友的要求.
For suites in Clark where 2 double rooms exist and 4 individuals share the suite/bathroom you may submit roommate requests for the entire suite. 请将这些信息发邮件给住房办公室. Assignments are based upon availability and date contract is submitted and deposit is paid. 不能保证室友的要求. 7月1日以后收到的室友申请可能不予考虑.
Vincennes University has partnered with Roomsurf a roommate matching service to assist students finding a roommate. Visit www.roomsurf.com 要使用此服务. Students must then use the following passkey to access Roomsurf for Vincennes University: 澳门足球博彩官方网址Trailblazer1801 (case sensitive).
要求单人间的学生将需要支付400美元.00 prepayment in addition to the $150 damage deposit at the time of filing their contract. Single rooms are an additional fee per semester over the student’s Room and Board charges.
Single rooms are assigned based upon date of payment of deposits/prepayments and availability.
To help you with this here are some good questions and topics to discuss together.
What major are you and what would you want to do ultimately with your career?
What are your cleaning habits (really clean, mix of messy and clean, really messy)?
How do you feel about guests in the room (of the same and opposite gender, overnight guests, etc.)?
你想成为什么样的室友, 亲密的朋友, 互相尊重,但不需要成为朋友, etc.)?
你哪天搬进来? 如果一个人比另一个人先搬进来, what should they do in setting up the room space (wait to arrange the room when both are there, 把它分成两半, 按你们俩喜欢的方式布置房间, etc.)?
你打算带什么东西(地毯、电器、蒲团等).)? 你想共享物品吗?
Most conflict situations that occur between individuals are a result of a misunderstanding or a lack of communication. It is important to realize that direct communication about the issues of concern can result in a mutually agreed alternative.
在任何生活环境中, 共享同一空间的个体之间可能会出现冲突. 如果你和室友有矛盾, it is important that you accept initial responsibility to discuss your concerns and reach an amiable solution. 遵循以下步骤处理与室友的冲突:
Roommates should discuss their differences with each other and try to reach a compromise.
如果不能达成妥协或双方都能接受的协议, 室友应联系住宿助理(RA)。. The RA will request individual meetings with all roommates to obtain information regarding the dispute. RA可以下列方式作出回应:
Establish a meeting with the roommates to discuss alternatives and possible expectations that would lead to a resolution.
尽管试图维持一致的期望, some roommate conflicts may result in an unacceptable outcome for either roommate. 如果室友发生冲突, 没有涉及违反宿舍楼规定的行为, 是未解决的, RHC将负责完成房间更换. 此更改由RHC自行决定.
Housing & Residential Life at Vincennes University is excited to offer an all-gender living learning community starting Fall 2022. If you are interested in learning more about or applying to live in this community, 请联系房管局 & 宿舍生活事务处电话 812-888-4225 或电邮至 housing@china-hardware-net.com.